Very good build and construction, excellent handling. What attracted me the most is the features which ia likely integrated compact and SLR.
The availability of PASM modes should prove attractive to learning beginner amateur photographer like me. And of course, allow me to graduate from point-and-shoot photography to being more in control of the camera setting. Great exposure before getting experience with SLR (hopefully later..Insha-Allah!)
Overall, satisfied enough costly. Now, it's time to capturing great shots. Yuhoo~
7 ulasan:
hoho berkilat lah kamere die....
kenape 'excelent handling' termasuk dalam ciri2 die?
kete @ moto bleh lah excelent handling...
klu dah ade camere nie jgn lupe berkarya dengan photoshop tau.
Fulamak ming, dh brwajah baru. Blh la nnti aku nk pnjm kmera ang n0..
sdak dh kate..
pasni leh la amik gmbor ak bnyk2..haha
-bajet jumpe je-
madnot: boleh2, xdop masalah..2 singgit hehe
kero: bereh blk ganu bile? lame dk jupe mu..sek kemah lening. segan lak aku..hahaha
salam. hoho tahniah kita mcm adik-beradik seperjuangan skrg.
blik ganu??
aku blik 2 hari dh ni..
tinggal 4 hari lg..
mg ekpom kat ym x tgur aku..
aku tgur mg org lain lop jwb..
mls ah nk kaca..
sob: i'm still beginner...but luv candid shot very much wakaka
kero:hor lepah ni aku kaca ar mu kat tgk keadaan gok..broadband aku dh kna sekat lenim..kes x byr ngeh3
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