Tiada maaf bagimu

For the incident of modifying Malaysia’s Anthem, NameWee said he wasn’t mean to humiliate at all. For the sake of creating song, he never thought that the song will create such a impact.

Just that incident of modifying Malaysia’s anthem has raised Malaysia government concern, he feels that he is innocent. “I have explained to them that I am not mean to humiliate it. This is because I am seeing from the angle of music.”
He is hoping that Malaysia government do not over react on this issue. He said that he is just a youngster with a lot of passion on music and wish to fulfill his dream.
[NameWee’s interview on Taiwan TV]

Kesalahan ini memang dilihat secara sepintas lalu, cukup berat kerana keterlanjuran kata-katanya dalam bait lagu yang menyinggung banyak pihak. Antara perkara yang disentuh - mempersendakan penguatkuasa kerajaan(pihak polis) yang 'makan suap', sikap kakitangan kerajaan yang malas, kerenah birokrasi dan bumiputera .yang 'dimanjakan'.

Kebiadapan paling ketara pabila secara langsung menyentuh sensitiviti Melayu dan integriti Islam.
-mempersendakan azan Subuh:

I like this country so much
In the early morning 5 o’clock
There is morning call to wake me up
Sometime a few sings together
Just like singing a love song
Sometimes the voice get twisted just like RnB style
Although sometimes they sing until out of key
Or sometimes they even sing until throated
Some of their voice sound like cock
But they’re earlier than a cock
Only like this, we’re be awaken
To go to school or work

-menyindir wanita Islam yang memakai tudung:

They wrapped up their heads
Crossing the road slowly
You have to let them cross and
Careful when you’re driving

Juga dikesan pabila lirik lagu yang digubah dilihat cuba memprovokasi isu perkauman terang-terangan, bahkan berbaur hasutan yang boleh saja mencetuskan konflik integrasi antara kaum.

Mengecewakan sekali. Sikapnya untuk menzahirkan 'patriotisme' tidak kesampaian dek 'terlampau bersemangat' hingga melampaui batas. Pastinya, sudah terlambat untuk dia memohon maaf.[Buletin Utama TV3, 10 Ogos]. Kini hanya menanti tindakan susulan daripada Peguam Negara dan pihak polis.

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